Pet acupuncture & laser therapy in Indianapolis, IN

Acupuncture & Laser Therapy

Pet acupuncture & laser therapy in Indianapolis, IN

We offer non-invasive and drug-free pain and wellness therapies for your pet, including pet acupuncture and laser therapy.

Pet Laser Therapy

Our therapy laser has many applications, including pain relief, post-operative healing, and combatting inflammation. We have had great success using laser therapy as part of treatment plans for our patients. The laser itself gently penetrates the skin and subcutaneous muscle tissues delivering healing energy that stimulates damaged cells and accelerate the healing process. 

Pet Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is another therapy that we offer our patients when needed, and works in a similar way. A very thin needle is placed in the skin and left in for a certain amount of time to produce a response from the surrounding tissue. Acupuncture can be used for pain, nausea, anxiety, and more. Dr. Kristen Allen is certified in veterinary acupuncture.

Contact Eagle Creek Animal Clinic

To schedule a veterinary acupuncture consultation or appointment, call us at 317-291-5830 or Make An Appointment online.